About Joy Yoga Studio
“It is our prayer to deeply honor the land, the ancestors, the human spirit, and the highest and greatest good for all beings. We believe all life has the inherent right to thrive upon this planet in beautiful and creative ways and hold the space for that to be realized in every being that enters.”
We are an ever growing and expanding hub for people to find the support they need. Physical, energetic, mental, emotional, spiritual. We believe communities thrive when healing is made accessible through affordable prices and a wide variety of offerings to meet everyone where they are at in their journey.
C. F. D.
Collective Foundation Document
A Collective Foundational Document is a living document and agreement field that forges a plan of action and helps the community of collaborators remain accountable to their vision and mission.
We are dedicated to helping you bring body and mind together as one. Joy Yoga was created as a space where people could come and find whatever they need. Whether that is meditation and calming of the mind, power flows, or one on one coaching specialized towards the individual. At Joy Yoga, we truly believe that it is about what you get out of the journey not just achieving the end goal.
“Yoga is not about touching your toes, it is about what you learn on the way down.”
— Jigar Gor